Managing Director`s Employment Agreement

by and between

____________________, represented by its shareholder ___________________
(hereinafter called “Company”)


Ms. / Mr. ____________________
(hereinafter called "Managing Director")



Effective on date the shareholder of the Company, has appointed Ms. / Mr. ________ as Managing Director (“Geschäftsführer”). The Managing Director`s Employment Agreement will be arranged as follows:


§ 1 Duties and Obligations

(1) As the Managing Director, Ms. / Mr. _________ represents the company pursuant to the specifications of the laws, the partnership agreement and any rules of internal procedure. He manages the company on his own responsibility in the framework of regular business activities. The Managing Director can report to the shareholders about specific transactions and actions and propose that the shareholders make them dependent upon their approval.

(2) The following transactions and actions require the prior approval of the shareholders:

a. acquiring, debiting and disposing of participating interests in other companies and conceding option rights to said participating interests;

b. concluding, amending and suspending inter-company agreements as defined by Section 291 ff. of Aktiengesetz (German Companies Act),

c. acquiring, selling and leasing companies or operating units,

d. actions pursuant to the Umwandlungsgesetz (German Transformation Act) with a participating interest of subsidiaries or associated companies,

e. liquidating subsidiaries and associated companies,

f. establishing and dissolving subsidiaries and branch offices,

g. entering into, amending and suspending dormant equity relationships,

h. taking on guaranties or other liabilities for third parties,

i. concluding forward exchange transactions or other speculative transactions,

j. acquiring pieces of real estate and disposals of real estate and rights equivalent to real property as well as the corresponding obligatory contracts,

k. concluding, substantially amending 


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