Managership Contract I
between _____________________, (Hereinafter called "Company")
and ______________________, (Hereinafter called "Managing Director")
Article 1
Tasks and duties
1. ___________________is the Managing Director of the Company. He/She represents the Company in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association of the Company and the regulations of the shareholders. ___________________is exempted from provisions under Article 181 of BGB (Civil Law Code).
2. The Company can appoint additional Managing Directors. From time to time, the Managing Directors are to determine the division of responsibilities among them.
3. __________________ conducts business in accordance with the provisions of law, the Articles of Association, other possible rules of business and the regulations of the shareholders.__________________ is free in the manner of exercising his duty.
4. ___________________ is to dedicate his/her entire professional interests, and his/her expertise and knowledge exclusively to the Company. The assumption of subsidiary activities with or without remuneration, honorary duties as well as board memberships, memberships on advisory boards or similar offices require written authorization from the shareholders.
Article 2
Duration of the Contract
1. This contract begins on _____________________.
2. The contract is concluded for an undetermined period of time.
3. This contract can be terminated by each party by giving 6 months' notice to the end of a calendar month.
4.Termination of the contract must be made in writing. The termination by _______________ is to be made to the Company if the post of an additional Managing Director is filled, otherwise termination of the contract is to be made to the shareholder with the highest capital investment in the Company. A termination on the part of the Company is carried out as written notification of a corresponding decision made by the shareholders.
5. After a termination of this contract
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