Trademark License Agreement (Markenlizenzvertrag) deutsch / englisch
of _______
by and between
1. X
(in the following: Licensor)
a n d
2. Z
(in the following: Licensee)
WHEREAS, Licensor is the owner of the name 'X' and of certain trademarks and service marks comprising such name;
WHEREAS, Licensee has pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement dated._______ acquired the Automotive Division from Licensor;
WHEREAS, Licensee desires to use the trademark 'X' under license from Licensor in connection with its business operations and Licensor is willing to grant such a license upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:
Article 1. Definitions
1. 'Business Operations' shall mean the business activities of Licensee in the area of the Automotive Division, as more closely defined in Annex A.
2. 'Automotive Division' shall mean such part of Licensor’s business operations which are related to the manufacturing and distribution of automotive parts, small engines, clutch systems, connecting parts and filters and which has been acquired by Licensee pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement dated _______
3. 'Territory' shall mean the countries or other geographic areas or locations as set forth in Annex B.
4. 'Trademark' shall mean the trademark 'X', German registration number 100 100 and 200 200 and the corresponding foreign registrations and international trademarks covering the respective countries as set forth in Annex B.
Article 2. License Grant
1. Licensor hereby grants to Licensee, under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, a revokable, non-transferable license to use the Trademark in carrying out the Business Operations in the Territory. The license granted is exclusive for use in connection with the Business Operations for four (4) years from the date of signature of this Agreement. Thereafter the license is non-exclusive for the remainder of the term of this Agreement.
It is understood that Licensor will
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