Englischsprachiger Arbeitsvertrag nach Schweizer Recht
(Herein after called „Employer“)
Mr. X
(Herein after called “Employee”)
The following employment contract will be agreed upon:
1. Start of Contract
This Employment contract will begin as of January 1st, 2009 and will be issued indefinitely. Other, previously agreed contracts will be replaced with this new employment contract.
2. Probation and Notice period
There will be no probation time. This contract is subject to a 3 months’ notice, to the End of each month. The length of employment has no influence on the terms for notice.
3. Function and Working platform
The employee will be entrusted with the daily trading work according to the employer’s business model. Under no circumstances, the employee is allowed to use any other or own ideas to perform the daily trading work for clients of the employer. A copy of the Business model “System Strategy” issued by the employer has to be signed and returned to the employer as well as followed at any time and with a complete, strict commitment. For own clients, the employee may trade with the “System Strategy” or with own ideas.
It is essential, that the employee will put his entire working time and skill in favor of the employer.
The working platform will be granted with a computer access to our network.
4. Working Hours
The employee will work 5 days a week. The amount of hours per day is subject to the Foreign Exchange Market. In order to reach a turnover target of 1 Billion per bank a day, the necessary working hours need to be committed.
5. Salary payment
The employee will receive a fixed salary of US$ XXX net per month (12 x US$ XXX per year). The monthly salary will be paid by the 1st of the month for the following month (advance payment) onto a
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