Articles of associations (short) / kurze Satzung einer GmbH (englisch)
§ 1 Name and seat
1. The Company's name is ... GmbH
2. It has its registered office in ...
§ 2 Purpose
1. The purpose of the Company is ...
2. The Company is authorized to conduct all transactions and take all measures which serve the purpose of the Company.
3. The Company can establish other enterprises of the same or similar nature, acquire or participate in such enterprises and also establish branches.
§ 3 State capital and capital contribution
1. The state capital of the Company is EUR 25.000,00 (in words: Twentyfivethousands Euro). The shareholder shall contribute his capital shares in cash.
2. Of this, Shareholder A subscribes 25.000 capital shares of EUR 1,00 (No. 1 - 25.000) in the total amount of EUR 25.000,00.
3. The contribution to the stated capital is to be made in cash and is due in the full amount immediately.
§ 4 Term
The Company is established for an unlimited period.
§ 5 Business year
The business year commences on January 1, and runs through December 31, of each calender year. The business year shall equal the calendar year. It shall be a short business year; it starts with the legal obligation to keep records and shall end on the 31 December of this year.
§ 6 Managing Director and power of representation
1. The Company has one or more Managing Directors (Geschäftsführer).
2. If only one Managing Director has
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