Cease and desist letter regarding patent infringement
Dear Sirs,
we are representing ??. Our corresponding Power of Attorney is attached as Annex 1. In the name and on behalf of our client ?? I advise you of the following:
1. Our client is the owner of European Patent EP ?? which is in effect in Germany. The German validation of this European Patent carries the file no. DE ?? Please find enclosed as Annex 2 a current excerpt from the online registers of the European Patent Office and of the German Patent and Trademark Office. A copy of the European patent specification EP ?? is attached as Annex 3.
2. Our client is the owner of European Patent EP ?? which is in effect in Germany, the United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey. The German validation of this European Patent carries the file no. DE ??. Please find enclosed as Annex 4 a current excerpt from the online registers of the European Patent specification EP ?? is attached as Annex 5.
3. Our client has learned that you are selling ?? which infringe said patents. I attach documentation evidencing that you have sold on Amazon to a German customer and shipped into Germany infringing ?? as Annex 6. Annex 6 also comprises evidence of the sale of these ?? by Amazon directly. Photos of the infringing ?? are attached as Annex 7.
4. The said ?? make literal use of all features of at least the first main claim of said patents.
5. In particular, said ?? realize the following features of claim 1 of European Patent EP ??:
· The ?? are an ……..;
· …………
The realization of these features can be seen in the photos attached as Annex 7.
6. In particular, said ………….. realize the following features of claim I of European Patent EP …………:
· ……..
The realization of these features can be seen in the photos attached as Annex 7.
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