Sales Representative Agreement
THIS AGREEMENT by and between , whose address is ,
hereinafter referred to as "Company", and , whose address is
, hereinafter referred to as "Sales Representative".
WHEREAS, Company is engaged in the marketing and sale of ; and
WHEREAS, Sales Representative desires to sell Company's services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows:
1. Company hereby appoints Sales Representative as an authorized non-exclusive independent representative to sell and promote all services provided by Company in the following geographical area: ,
hereinafter referred to as "Territory".
2. Sales Representative shall devote such time, energy and skill on a regular and consistent basis as is necessary to sell and promote the sale of Company's services in the Territory during the term of this Agreement.
Sales Representative's sales and promotional efforts shall be directed toward the following: .
The aforementioned customers are intended only to be examples of the nature and type of market to which Company desires that its services be sold and should not be construed as a limitation upon the contracts that can be made by Sales Representative under this Agreement within the designated market.
In addition to the foregoing, Sales Representative shall assist Company and shall perform any and all services required or requested in connection with Company's business, including, but not limited to, such services of an advisory nature as may be requested from time to time by Company. Sales Representative shall periodically, or at any time upon Company's request, submit appropriate documentation of any and all sales and promotional efforts performed and to be performed for Company pursuant to this Agreement.
3. For each contract for the performance of Company's services as arranged by Sales Representative under this Agreement, Sales Representative shall
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