AGB für Unternehmensberatung, Management-Trainings und Seminare (englisch)
General Business Terms and Conditions of RCS GmbH
These General Business Terms and Conditions („AGBs“) apply for all contracts, deliveries and other performances by RCS GmbH, (address), (hereinafter also referred to as „RCS“), in dealings with its Customers. All and any deviating business terms and conditions of the Customer are hereby rejected. RCS shall only recognize any such deviating terms and conditions if they have been expressly agreed in writing.
The “AGBs” consist of General Terms and Conditions (Section I.), Special Terms and Conditions for Business Consultancy (Section II.), Training and/or Seminar Arrangements (Section III.) and the Online Shop (Section IV.). The Customer is able to download and print the aforesaid “AGBs” under or to submit a written request by means of an e-mail to
I. General Terms and Conditions of Business
§ 1 General
(1) RCS’ offers are specifically not directed to consumers within the meaning of Section 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB). Upon the conclusion of a contract, the relevant Customer confirms that the services to be provided by RCS or the documents to be provided by RCS are being commissioned or acquired for his/its commercial or freelance activities.
(2) All ancillary agreements are to be confirmed in writing; individual agreements shall always have priority.
(3) Business relationships between RCS and its Customers are governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (UN-Kaufrecht).
(4) The exclusive legal venue for all disputes in connection with the present contract is Königstein, Germany, if the Customer is a trader, a legal entity under public law, a public-law fund or has no legal venue in Germany. RCS shall also be entitled to bring legal action against the Customer at its general legal venue.
§ 2 Turnover Tax and Payment
(1) Unless otherwise stated, the agreed fees
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