Distribution Agreement
Between _____________________
-hereinafter referred as________________-
And _____________________
-hereinafter referred as______________-
-hereinafter referred to as “Producer”-
And _____________________
-hereinafter referred to as “Distributor”-
1.1 Producer owns and controls the rights listed under paragraph 2 below in and to the television Mini-series _______________________ 4x approximately 52 minutes:
• _______________________
• _______________________
• _______________________
• _______________________
-hereinafter collectively referred to as “Production”-
The parties have agreed that Distributor shall obtain certain licence- and distribution-rights in and to the production. The parties therefor enter into the following distribution agreement and into a separate licence agreement in respect to the German speaking territories; scheduled for simultaenous signature.
1.2 Producer hereby exclusively engages and authorises Distributor to distribute the Production in accordance with the provisions of the present Agreement.
The Producer appoints Distributor as its exclusive sales agent and grants to Distributor the exclusive right to distribute the following exclusive rights in and to the Production for exploitation in the Distribution Territory defined in paragraph 3 in the language versions (either dubbed or sub-titled or with voice-over) corresponding to the primary languages spoken in each country of the Distribution Territory, and also in the English language version (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Authorized Language Versions”) and for the Distribution Term indicated in paragraph 4.
2.1 The transmission rights
i.e. the right to render the
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