Python Software Foundation License
Python 2.1.1 license
This is the official license for the Python 2.1.1 release:
Python was created in the early 1990s by Guido van Rossum at Stichting
Mathematisch Centrum (CWI) in the Netherlands as a successor of a
language called ABC. Guido is Python's principal author, although it
includes many contributions from others. The last version released
from CWI was Python 1.2. In 1995, Guido continued his work on Python
at the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI) in Reston,
Virginia where he released several versions of the software. Python
1.6 was the last of the versions released by CNRI. In 2000, Guido and
the Python core development team moved to to form the
BeOpen PythonLabs team. Python 2.0 was the first and only release
Following the release of Python 1.6, and after Guido van Rossum left
CNRI to work with commercial software developers, it became clear that
the ability to use Python with software available under the GNU Public
License (GPL) was very desirable. CNRI and the Free Software
Foundation (FSF) interacted to develop enabling wording changes to the
Python license. Python 1.6.1 is essentially the same as Python 1.6,
with a few minor bug fixes, and with a different license that enables
later versions to be GPL-compatible. Python 2.1 is a derivative work
of Python 1.6.1, as well as of Python 2.0.
After Python 2.0 was released by, Guido van Rossum and the
other PythonLabs developers joined Digital Creations. All
intellectual property added from this point on, starting with Python
2.1 and its alpha and beta releases, is owned by the Python Software
Foundation (PSF), a non-profit modeled after the Apache Software
Foundation. See for more information about
the PSF.
Thanks to the many outside volunteers who have worked under Guido's
direction to make these
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