Satzung e.V. non-profit, englisch
The constitution
§ 1 Name, head office, financial year
1. The name of the association is
(...) .
After its registration in the register of associations at the Local Court (Amtsgericht) of Frankfurt/Main it will also bear the suffix e.V..
2. The association has its head office in Frankfurt/Main.
3. The financial year is the same as the calendar year.
§ 2 Integration, purpose of the association
1. (...) is a non-profit making association whose head office is in Paris/France and whose purpose is the representation and development of "______________" through related and associated activities which do not affect the non-profit making nature of the association. "______________" includes marketing, advertising strategies and similar measures which are carried out at the point where a service or a product is sold. To promote this aim on a European level, associations are being formed in the individual European countries which pursue this non-profit making aim as the constitutional aim of the association. The association "(...)" has been formed in order to pursue this non-profit making aim in the Federal Republic of Germany.
2. The purpose of the association is the promotion, representation and development of "______________" by related and associated activities which do not affect the non-profit making nature of the association. The objective of the association is particularly realised in training and coaching members in the field of "______________".
3. The association shall only pursue aims which are directly of a non-profit making nature, as defined in the section "Purposes Eligible for Tax Relief" of the Fiscal Code of 1977 (sections 51 to 68 AO).
4. The association shall not be active in its own interests and shall not pursue any economic aims of its own.
5. The association's funds may only be used for the purposes set out in
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