Autorenvertrag englisch
§ 1 Subject Matter of Agreement
1. Subject matter of this Agreement is an existing work / a work still to be written in the field / on the issue of ... .
2. The title / working title is: ... . The title shall be finally determined by the author in cooperation with the publishing company, whereby the author may object to the decision of the publishing company if he/she cannot be reasonably expected to accept it according to the principles of good faith.
§ 2 General Responsibilities of the Author
1. The author shall write the work so that according to its nature and purpose, it corresponds to the most recent knowledge and facts as well as the recognized professional standard in the field or issue discussed in it.
2. The author shall procure third-party text and/or image setting copies required for the work at the expense of ... and shall obtain the relevant existing rights of third parties according to the scope he/she grants such rights to the publishing company pursuant to § 5 below.
3. The following conditions apply to the software required for preparation of the manuscript: ... .
§ 3 Length of the Work / Shortening and Other Modifications of the Manuscript / Delivery
1. The length of the work shall amount to ... printed sheets / ... printed pages / ... words / ... characters (disregarding codes and similar signs).
2. In the event that the agreed length is (substantially) exceeded, the publishing company may request the author to shorten the manuscript accordingly without additional remuneration or, in a very pressing case, may itself carry out such shortening or cause it to be carried out at the author's expense.
3. The author shall provide the complete manuscript, ready for printing and typewritten / stored electronically on disk - the latter together with a hard copy -, including the third-party text and/or image setting copies he/she has to obtain, to the publishing company no later than ... . Should this date and an extension period of
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