Search Engine Optimization and Reporting Agreement
This agreement is hereby entered into between YOUR COMPANY (hereinafter referred to as “Company” and _____________________ (hereinafter referred to as “Client”) on the ___ day of _______, 200___.
1.”Company” agrees to provide Client with Search Engine Optimization and Reporting Services (hereinafter referred to as “SEO”) as described in this agreement. “Company” is authorized to use the specific keywords and/or phases set forth below for development, improving the ranking of, and/or positioning the contents of the Client’s URL(s), in the search engines and/or directories that are most frequently used by the general public which are defined below.
2.Client agrees to pay “Company” a fee as stated in “Proposal.” Fee must be received prior to the start of any services provided. SEO Services are intended to provide the client with preferential positioning in selected search engines and report results on an ongoing and timely basis. SEO Services include:
• Research keywords and phrases to select appropriate, relevant search terms. Number of keywords is listed in the Proposal. Additional keyword purchases will require Addendum or separate contract.
• Edit various html tags and page text as necessary prior to submission to selected search engines and directories.
• Create as required, additional web pages for the purpose of “catching” keyword/phrase searches.
• Hand-submit your pages to the engines and directories stated in this agreement.
• Create positioning reports for main site and any associated pages showing rankings in the major search engines and under which keywords.
4. For the purposes of providing these services, client agrees to provide:
• Give “Company” FTP access to the main site for uploading new pages, and making changes for the purpose of optimization OR approval to go through 3rd Party.
• Client authorizes “Company” use of all client logos, trademarks, Web site images, etc., for use in creating
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