Kooperationsvereinbarung (Partnership Agreement) über eine Investition in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten (UAE)
This agreement is made on xx, xx, xxx by and between
Mr. xxx and Mr. xxx
In consideration of the mutual covenants set forth in this agreement, Mr. xxx, holder of UAE passport no. ___, P.O. Box ___, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (hereinafter referred to as the “Investor”) and Mr. xxx, holder of German passport no. ___, street: ___, ___, Germany (hereinafter referred to as the “Project Initiator”) agree to exchange of equity for setting up a legal entity for the project “xxx”, under the following terms and conditions:
1. General Terms
The Project Initiator shall establish a legal entity (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) to purchase an xxx for the development of the project “xxx”. Therefore, he is looking for an investment partnership with the Investor.
2. Investment
Upon execution of this agreement the Investor shall provide the Project Initiator the sum of € xxx (Euro xxx million only) equalling 0.28% of the total estimated project investment as venture capital. Upon payment of the above mentioned sum of € xxx (Euro xxx million only) to and receipt of the same by the Project Initiator this agreement shall be deemed in effect and legally binding.
The Investor shall be legally registered as a 10.0% (ten percent) shareholder of the Company and agree upon the following with regard to his shares:
- Within a period of 5 (five) years from obtaining his shares in the Company the Investor shall not be entitled to dispose in any manner whatsoever of his shares, other than selling his shares upon request of the
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