Kooperationsvereinbarung (Partnership Agreement) über eine Investition in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten (UAE)
Partnership Agreement UAE
On this day corresponding to ……/……/ 2009
This agreement has been made by and between:-
First: xxx – UAE holder of passport no. (xxx), residing in xxx. (First Party)
Second: Mr. xxx –German Nationality and holder of passport no. (xxx), residing in xxx. (Second Party)
After both Parties have confirmed their legal competency to contract and dispose legal acts they mutually agreed upon the following:
Preliminary Clause
Where as the Second Party has proposed to partner with the First Party in investing in the project “xxx” in the xxx provided both Parties shall setup a company of legal entity in accordance with Companies Laws in UAE to purchase and develop the said project and invest the same to their accounts and benefits and whereas the First Party has initially agreed to partner in this project accordingly both Parties willingly agreed upon the following:
Article One
The preliminary clause shall be an integral part of the contract to be read and interpreted with and binding upon both Parties.
Article Two
Pursuant to this agreement, the parties agreed to set up a legal company in accordance with the laws , regulations and bylaws effective in the UAE and its concerned departments; and after being incorporated, this company shall purchase an island in the World – Dubai for the purpose of developing project “xxx” to the account and benefit of both Parties involved.
Article Three
First Party shall advance the project's total capital amounting to Euro (xxx) (Euro Million) provided the Second Party shall
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