Letter of intent (english)
[Letterhead of the Purchaser]
________ __, 20__
Personal and Confidential
[Name(s) of Shareholders]
[Board of Directors]
[Name and Address of Shareholders/Company]
Attention: ____________________
Re: ____________________________________________
Ladies and Gentlemen:
This letter confirms our understanding of the mutual present intentions of [name of acquiring corporation] (the "Purchaser") and _________________ ([collectively], the "Seller") with respect to the principal terms and conditions under which the Purchaser will acquire [all of the outstanding capital stock of the Company] [the Company's __________ business] [the Company's __________ Division] [the stock of the Subsidiary of the Company] [all of the assets of the Company] [and the Purchaser will assume certain liabilities of the Company]. Such transaction is hereinafter referred to as the "Acquisition."
The parties hereto acknowledge that this letter does not contain all matters upon which an agreement must be reached in order for the Acquisition to be consummated. Further, among other conditions specified herein or otherwise agreed to by the parties, the obligations of the parties hereto to consummate the Acquisition are subject to the negotiation and execution of the Purchase Agreement referred to in paragraph 3 below. Accordingly, this letter is intended solely as a basis for further discussion and is not intended to be and does not constitute a legally binding agreement; provided, however, that the provisions set forth in paragraphs 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12 below and this paragraph shall be binding upon the parties hereto and, only with respect to paragraphs 9 and 12, shall survive the termination hereof.
At the closing (the "Closing"), subject to the satisfaction of all conditions precedent contained in the Purchase Agreement, the Purchaser will purchase from the Seller, and the Seller will sell to the
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